3 Things You Don’t Know About Your Neighbor

Bizigal Avatar
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How many times have you waved to your neighbor as they drive by your house? Do you think that cute dog they’re walking makes them a great guy? Don’t be fooled. We never really know what is going on behind closed doors.

1) People put up a good facade. The outside of the house may look nice and show effort in the landscape, but the inside might be a hoarders’ mess.

2). Some neighbors want to talk and talk and talk–much about nothing; the weather or a new road being built…blah, blah, blah.  They might have no one else to talk to so they choose to talk your ear off.

3) Something very wrong is going on inside their house. We just can’t see it from the outside because their blinds and curtains are always closed.

People only want you to know what they want you to know, and even then, what we know about them might not even be the truth.

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2 responses to “3 Things You Don’t Know About Your Neighbor”

  1. mammaspeaks Avatar

    True that! And then the horror stories that spill out, something you never expected of a perfectly friendly next-door neighbour.

    1. bizigal Avatar

      Spooky! We wonder everyday what is going on!
      Thank you for the comments.

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