About C.C. Malloy

C.C. Malloy is a disability advocate and writes about the experiences parents face while raising children and teenagers. More specifically, about the challenges parents face while managing their child’s disability through high school and beyond.

From her experiences having a child who learns differently, Malloy sat through many interesting and informative school meetings over the last 20 years. Everything she learned about “the IEP process” was through trial and error; not to mention the many phone calls to support groups, government agencies, and medical facilities.

She maintains there are “unwritten rules” for parents of children in the special education system. She hopes that parents and guardians of these awesome students will feel empowered to fight for the best education possible.

During the past few years, she has faced some interesting challenges and enjoyed many fantastic opportunities with her own young adults. The proud mother of three beautiful children, they keep her motivated and attentive. Her children provide her with a unique learning experience and she looks forward to the many great things they will achieve in their lives.

Malloy graduated Magna Cum Laude with a B.A. in Sociology and a minor in English from UNC at Fayetteville State University. She has worked in a variety of special education departments and classrooms during the past 20 years and holds three teaching certifications; English, Special Education, and ESL. Over the years she has consistently served as an active member of the local Parent Teacher Student Organization (PTSO). Most recently, she served a two-year term as a board chair for the exceptional children’s department at a local high school. Her experience as both a parent and educator allows her to focus on supporting other parents of exceptional children.

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