Baby Steps for Back to School

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Baby Step 1

Sleep! It supports great academic skills. While getting extra rest at night might seem obvious for some, it is imperative for the exceptional community because they must over-compensate just to keep up with their classmates. Physically their bones, muscles, and brains must work harder; they are exhausted at the end of the school day.

Baby Step 2

Take one day at a time. This is another obvious concept, but consider the range of anxiety that many special education students experience. Students integrated into the regular education classroom will feel overwhelmed and so might their parents. Even students who return to the same classroom could experience challenges with new peers, classroom configurations, or even a new teacher. Parents would do well to email the teacher and open the lines of positive communication.  This is the “honeymoon” stage for students, teachers, and parents, so wade in slowly for a smooth transition.

Baby Step 3

Be proactive. Plan the annual Individual Education Plan (IEP) meeting soon. Gather resources and supports for grade level goals. Don’t wait until there is an issue to complain. Become a confidant and friend to the teacher. It will be easier to make changes if you already have a working relationship in place. Don’t forget to send in school and classroom supplies.

Parents of middle or high school students might also think about securing a tutor or learning center for academic assistance. Even if you feel that your student does not need extra help now, and you are certain he or she will eventually, parents should start the process and secure space as soon as possible. Many times, tutors or learning centers have a calendar in place but opportunities for tutoring fill up fast.

Options for learning centers and tutors

Many students in need of tutors might contact the specific departments at the local high school.   Students enrolled in advance placement courses make great peer tutors for the special education students.  Community colleges have a list of students who are available for tutoring.

At any rate, the key word here is “proactive.” Nowadays, there are so many variables within the educational framework.  When teachers feel genuinely appreciated, they might give a little added attention to your student.

Photo credit: George Pak – Pexels Free to use

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