“Can You Hear Me Now?” A Broken Cell Phone Brings Families Closer

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Not going to lie–it was ugly. So much so that I have vowed to change my stubborn ways– and change is good, right?

What happened to me last weekend was interesting to say the least. My cell phone suddenly died–dead! Ordinarily, this would not be a problem for someone like me, who until last year, still used one of the original Samsung Androids–and would still be using it if it the company didn’t cut me off from access due to its age. Although now, I use my phone for just about everything I do.

It was not too long ago that I was on the other side. You know, the side where a parent tries to keep up with their kidlet’s online personality.  About 10 years ago, I wrote an article, Parents Need Technology 101, when adults didn’t seem as involved with the online social media frenzy. Well, times have changed.

No condition to be conditioned

Without a working phone I realized I was deep in the throes of a very rough couple of days ahead. Something as simple as communication seemed so complicated. It wasn’t that I felt “naked” without one, it was more like the “Pavlov’s Dogs” classic conditioning theory. I learned to associate my cell phone with information and communication. The initial loss was devastating.

Day 1 – Every girl’s gadget–the “Googlebox”

The first day without a working phone seem fairly straightforward; problem solved–just get a new one I thought. I hopped on my loyal desktop computer and from my phone carriers’ website, I was ready to order another phone and have it shipped over night. Surely, I had racked up some type of benefit and could upgrade for a small fee.  Not so fast–I waited, longer than I should have, for an outsourced worker to tell me that my company would not take a trade-in on my phone because it was broken. But I could buy a new one for $400.00! (Hey, I’m a writer, not a movie star.) #thanksbutnothanks

Type A personality that I am I decided to try to fix my phone before needing to order another. At least if I found a repair shop, perhaps I could save money on their diagnostic test. I went straight to every girl’s toolbox–“Google.” I was able to narrow the problem to the phone’s charging port. But after three hours of mechanical interpretation, fixing the charging port was definitely not for me. Hence, my Friday night seemed to be turning into Saturday morning as my Google search continued for a reputable repair shop.

Day 2 – On the mend and making friends

My hopes for my cell phone to mysteriously fix itself overnight were smashed when I woke up ready to post a cute quip on X.  Sadly, I realized that wasn’t going to happen. The panic was overwhelming.  Did anyone post some great gossipy pictures on Instagram? Are any of my readers waiting for a response to their comment on my blog? For fear of being chastised the entire rest of my life, I couldn’t ask any of my own kidlet’s to get on social media and stalk my accounts for me; although I got very close to bribing my daughter to do it. Unfortunately, my request most likely would have taken the shape of a “screenshot” and probably would have ended up on Facebook, or worse yet, some fake high school Instagram account only to be used against me in the future. No, no, that proved not to be an option. I was on my own. 

As the day went on, I managed to handle my weekend chores and errands with only moderate difficulty. It wasn’t the lack of social media that was my biggest downfall, it was the inability to be available if one of my children should happen to need something in an emergency.  Landlines are basically a thing of the past so cell phones are essential to families in our busy worlds.  I found myself withering away and needed a quick fix–literally as it was Saturday and if I did not do something soon, I would have to wait until Monday–two whole days! 

I stopped into the closest phone repair shop Google sent me to. Interestingly enough, the clerk behind the desk had seen this type of problem before. It would cost a pretty penny and at least three hours of my time–a small price to pay for peace of mind.

The shop was very busy. I noticed parents who also had broken phones; screens, batteries, and chargers. Most of these customers were about my age. I introduced myself to anyone who would listen and learned we all got ourselves in a social media mess. Were we really this attached that we could fill a repair store like this? Doesn’t anyone here have anything better to with their Saturday than sit and wait for their cell phone to be repaired? I realized then, that adults could not disconnect either and we were all just as attached to our devices as our children.

The feelings are real

I was more desperate for the communication and not so much the convenience of having a cell phone. As an adult, I have the benefit of watching the TV news to find out what is happening in society, while teens have this same option, their “world” consists of the social circle in which they survive; friends, non-friends, Instagram, X, Tik Tok, and Snapchat. That’s it–that’s all they got.

Without this experience, it would be hard for me to understand a teenagers’ desperate need to hold onto their phones stocked with so much information. It is literally their only connection to the outside world. Take that away and the results could be devastating such as the deaf girl who wanted to commit suicide. This is a horrible and unfortunate reality of modern technology.

The ugly truth

While not totally disconnected from the world, I sure felt as though I was. I understand now how my daughter feels when she has made the wrong choice and is without a phone for a while. I will confess that the lack of a device, for the sole purpose of perusing the social media network, was a bit unsettling.

It is no secret that parents and children have their own ideas about society but the feelings about communication are the same. This is a fight we will not win.

The ugly truth is that every race, age, or disabled, are just as desperate for the daily interactions; social media does not discriminate.

Happily ever after

I got my phone back later that night and it was as good as new. I had planned to check all the accounts I had and comment on any notifications I received. Instead, my baby girl and I played a savvy game of Monopoly. Interestingly enough, everything and everyone I ever needed to know about, was right there sitting in front of me and I didn’t have to pick up my phone once.

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