Join the Parent Teacher Student Organization for Important School Communication

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Make new friends at the meetings

I recently attended a two-hour long high school PTSO meeting. Yes, it was long, and yes, it was information overload on a weekday which seemed  too busy anyway. But, as I sat at the meeting table, I couldn’t help wonder what motivates these other parents that they are so actively involved at their child’s school. By the time the meeting ended, I had my answer; it was their children. Most of their children are either on the honor roll, involved in some type of club, or play sports. These are “need to know” parents.

Then it suddenly dawned on me, that even though I did not know most of their names, I felt that I already knew them.They’re just like me and from what I could tell, people I had plenty in common with. On the social level, I felt this is a great way to make new friends.

Time to “parent-up”

While making new friends is always a plus, it is also important to volunteer to keep the school running and help the teachers as much as possible. Creative parents have the ability to transform and make great contributions for the school. I found that just a little bit from everyone helps the school climate and sends a very valuable message to the students. I love that parents set the example for their kids. Most parents work outside of the home and money is tight for everyone, so anything that parents are able to do to support the school will be welcomed with open arms.

It is in your hands

You alone have a voice. If you are one of the  few (you know who your are) parents that claim,”I never know what is going on at school,” then join the PTSO or PTA at your child’s school. Speak up for your child’s education. Stop letting the same parents do everything!  If you are not going to volunteer, then stop complaining and put your opinions on the shelf. If parents want to know what is happening, the PTSO is a great place to start. Take care of the school and the school will take care of your children.

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