Happy Birthday and “The Potato Chip Flip”

Bizigal Avatar
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mar 2                   The Potato Chip Flip

Here is an ode about Ms. Mar-e-ott
who once stole the show with food in her pot.
Appetizers were ready and waiting in the fridge
but truth be told, t’was the potato with a ridge
that was waiting to unfold.

The family gathers for a potato chip or two,
but back to reality when the real guests file through.
“Take away those chips and hide them for later,
give the guests a tasty appetizer instead of a tater!
Oh my, did I say nigh, follow through with some wine
and if they’re thirsty, give them a drink instead of a line.”

Potato chips in a basket for the family so great
but what about the guests?
Did the tater show itself or did it appear very late?
For it’s the libations they would sip
never to taste the salt or thin layer of dip.

Now it’s time for bed, farewell and goodnight
Your guests are tucked in, and you turn off the light.
The clean-up is finished, you sit down to relax
A potato chip lover and entertainer indeed
your big bag of Ruffles is all that you need.
Be generous, you can buy another bag,
for all guests love the essence of real potato brag.

“I just love potato chips,”
you said it yourself a long while ago.
You could eat them today and of course all night long
then savor the flavor for a long winter’s song.
Potato chips with a flare and a crunch
you could eat them for dinner and for lunch.

Happy Birthday Mar!
Every time I eat potato chips I think of you. I know how much you love them.

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Bizigal Avatar

2 responses to “Happy Birthday and “The Potato Chip Flip””

  1. Roe Avatar


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    1. bizigal Avatar

      Thanks very much! I appreciate your comments!

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