Here’s How to Help Your Child Earn Independence

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Lately, there seems to be plenty of news articles about how schools are cutting back and making changes to help students and teachers. That’s great. Most every school that I know of needs some type of support anyway, so at least they’re “working on it.”

The really, really, fortunate part about this, is that now, your kidlet will most likely have to fend for him or herself.

Yes, you and your child will have to take control of the situation.

Ask not what your school can do for you

This is not about what you can get for your child. This is about what you can do for his or her future. Modifications, accommodations,and student support will still be a focus for many schools, but don’t be surprised if they don’t put your child first.  I like to think that if parent’s do find themselves in this situation, then heed the warning signs and take control.

Ask what you can do for your child

We so often want to blame the education system for their lack of dedication, academic intervention, and sometimes even effort. They are not fully to blame. While there are times the teacher got it wrong or the administration pushed another agenda, they are not completely at fault. It is your kid. Take the time to teach your own child.

Work for what you need not what is free. 

If possible, give up the benefits; push, push, push for independence. Red-tape will keep you on hold. Tear it down and take the initiative. If I sat around waiting for the government to step-in and handle the situation, well, I would still be waiting… and I am… I have been waiting for  employment transportation for my kidlet for more than  7, yes–7 years!  I have filled out every paper and online application needed, and have spoken with just about anyone who will listen. At this point it is not going to happen–no can do.

Just to be clear, I would not want to take anything away from anyone in a more desperate need. That’s why it is so important to give your child the necessary life-skills to be as independent if possible. That way, if government interventions are not available, at least your kidlet will have a fighting chance.

Get started ‘yesterday’

For children who learn differently, start today to make changes. Everything you can do now to teach your child something– anything– will resonate later on in life.

For example, instead of waiting for your child’s teacher to “introduce” cursive writing, (some schools may not teach it at all anymore–shame), practice a new letter at home each week. There are free templates online. Keep in mind that cursive writing also utilizes very good occupational skills for fine motor development.  Ultimately, there will be a day when your child needs to sign his or her name; job application, bank account, state id card, or drivers license to name a few.

When you are in the kitchen, grab your kidlet and teach how to read a recipe and make something delicious. Taking your children grocery shopping with a list of ingredients is even better because it forces them to make decisions about money and costs. Adding multiplication facts are also a big need for students.

Hygiene…yes, teach that–need I say more?

While some of these ideas might seem obvious, they still provide a solid foundation for success.

The value of independence

Learning life-skills aren’t any good unless your child will continue to use them. Ongoing and positive encouragement will keep skills alive. At some point in a parent’s life, we need to know that our child is somewhat independent, but is at least able to ask for help if needed. It is not going to be easy but it is doable.

Will you take the easy route and count on others to teach your child? Or will you cash-in on knowing your child is a capable individual? That is something that I would not want to leave to chance.

If your student can ride a bike to work, call an Uber, or take the city bus to earn money for housing and food, then why not? If he or she  can pay their own way, they should.

Photo credit: Cottonbro Studio- Pexels Free to use 

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