How Many Wishes Does One Penny Have?

Bizigal Avatar
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When  you find a penny “heads up” and you pick it up off the ground you’re supposed to  get one free wish. But if you have many wishes do you try to plop them all on one penny? Or do you conserve your wishes “just in case”? What’s the cut off when all our wishes carry the same weight on our shoulders?

If one penny equals one wish, would finding a dime “heads-up” entitle you to ten honest wishes? A quarter-25?  

Which wish, then, is the wish you’d really wish for?

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2 responses to “How Many Wishes Does One Penny Have?”

  1. Roe Avatar

    Never thought about the economics of a wish! Maybe that’s why you usually only find pennies!

    1. bizigal Avatar

      Yes, and maybe pennies are better left alone on the ground for someone to find who really needs a wish to come true.

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