How to Become an IEP Master

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In dieting, there is a slogan, “Eat this, not that.” Hearing this, I thought it was a great way to know for sure which foods to avoid.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to know ahead of time exactly how these foods will affect your overall diet and exercise routine.

So, you can’t blame the nutritionist when these foods don’t work–except that’s what usually happens. 

Just like with the special education of your child.

If you want to become an expert at managing your child’s academic success, then knowing what “not to do” is just as important as what you should do.

For example, charging into an IEP meeting–while pointing your finger announcing “heads will roll” for your next civil rights complaint–is a “win-lose” situation.

Even if your facts are correct and the school is in non-compliance, at that point, you have lost all credibility and respect. I might even add that teachers or administrators will not take you seriously in the future. Further, this behavior could have a negative effect on your child during the school day.

Think about it.

The school wins and you lose. You have just become educational fodder and lunch-time gossip for the teacher’s lounge.

This happens.

Is “winning” more important? Or should helping your child learn take precedence? 

Motivational author, John C. Maxwell, Success One Day At A Time (2000), wrote “You will never change your life until you change something you do daily. The secret of your success is found in your daily routine.”

Try to change your game. It is not about what you should do, but it is about what not to do. Think about what your child really, really, needs.

Take charge, stick with the facts, and remember–it’s just business! 

You have just become an IEP master.

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