IEP Challenges? Remember These 3 Words

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“Least Restrictive Environment”

When IEP challenges arise, some parents find themselves at a loss for words. Many are determined to get their student help, but can get tangled in administrative “roadblocks.”  Parents usually have a good idea what their kidlet can and can’t do, but more importantly, what their child is actually able to do.

Keeping the emotion out of it, remind the IEP team that your child will do best in an atmosphere that produces the best learning outcome; the “Least Restrictive Environment.”  Restricting growth, either socially or academically, does not allow for the optimum learning experience.  Placement decisions are based on the child’s needs–and–feedback from the teachers and staff. Heed their warnings, but welcome the feedback. Many times, our kids tend to have different personalities while they interact with their peers in different environments.

Remember, stay calm; it’s just business.


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