Disability Laws and Resources

Links for national disability laws and resources

Americans With Disability Act (ADA)

Provides civil rights protections to individuals with disabilities and guarantees equal opportunities for public accommodations, employment, transportation, telecommunications, and state and local governments.

College Board

Assistance for college applications, FAFSA, SAT’s, testing accommodations and college information.

College Board-Service for Students with Disabilities

Disability assistance on obtaining accommodations for the SAT’s and preparations for college readiness.

Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)

Protects the confidentiality and privacy of student educational accounts and records.

Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) 

This is a law which governs how states provide early intervention and ensures services to children with disabilities.

No Child Left Behind / Elementary and Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA)

An educational law that provides opportunities for all students and expands the necessary supports to ensure the accountability for student progress.

Office of Civil Right-Rehabilitation Act of 1973

Provides and ensures equal opportunities and enforces civil rights in education.

US Dept. of Education

Provides information and an overview on laws and guidance for students with disabilities, loans, and statistics in all schools in the United States.

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