Special education can be so complicated at times. Our students need support, but our students also need postive peer relationships. This can be challenging when our students feel like they might be a step away from their classmates. Parents who keep the basics in mind might find easier transitions throughout the school year.
1) If possible, integrate your child into the regular education classroom setting. Acceptance by peers is important and many long-term relationships will be established in the younger grades.
2) While accommodations are usually necessary, think about how the school might encourage academic as well as emotional growth. Try not to push levels too much.
3) Treat your child like everyone else and don’t ask for special privileges. Other kids will soon see that your child is not breakable and will most likely offer friendship.
The key is encouragement. Everyday will not be perfect, but neither are we as parents. Most kids just want to be like everybody else.
Help your student get there; it’s as easy as 1-2-3!
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