
  • IEP Items to Check This Summer


    Here it is summer and the last thing anyone wants to think about is school paperwork. Actually, this is a great time to think about it. Waiting until school starts is too late to notify the school if you want…

  • 2 IEP Items Never to Toss Out


    Updated: July 10, 2024 Original post August 2015 Parents of special education students need a good filing system–whether it be in a desk or online–be mindful of the documents. That being said, there are only two documents that parents should…

  • Winning Strategies for a Successful IEP Meeting


    Parents whose children have an IEP understand the dilemma of taking sides. Many parents are adamant about what they want for their child, yet fail to discuss the needs and wants of their opponent, albeit, the teachers. Of course not…it wouldn’t be a…

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