
  • Tips to Manage Your Kids’ Behavior—Without Getting Kicked Out of the Mom Group


    In the adult world there’s a saying–“kids will be kids.” Unfortunately, you can’t always shrug off unruly behavior just because they’re kids. And you can’t always blame it on other people when your kid gets into trouble. Yet, it happens…

  • I’m Working On It, Mom!


    A few years ago, after the first of many “dramatic” conversations with my only daughter, I posted the timeline-chart (see below) on teenage attitudes. Unbeknownst to me at the time, there would be more challenges than I ever could have…

  • Dads Are for Making Pancakes!


    For kids, there’s not much more fun in this world than waking up to some delicious weekend pancakes in the shape of “Micky Mouse” ears. No matter how perfect the shape (or not), and with very little effort, dads can…

  • 3 Things You Don’t Know About Your Neighbor


    How many times have you waved to your neighbor as they drive by your house? Do you think that cute dog they’re walking makes them a great guy? Don’t be fooled. We never really know what is going on behind…

  • Why the Death of a Sibling Is Like a Broken Bone


    The baby boom brought children; many, many children. Sometimes, one family alone had six or more. There is strength in body and soul. But what happens when one of those siblings passes first and prematurely? The rest of us feel…

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