girl drama

  • The Life Cycle of the Mother and Daughter Relationship


    Today marks the 38th anniversary of my mother’s death. I would give anything to have my mom here with me now. My mother had six children. I wonder if she knew what she was getting herself into back then? I…

  • I’m Working On It, Mom!


    A few years ago, after the first of many “dramatic” conversations with my only daughter, I posted the timeline-chart (see below) on teenage attitudes. Unbeknownst to me at the time, there would be more challenges than I ever could have…

  • Favorite Teen Expression…And the Winner Is…


    If you have a teen just “hanging out” this summer you may have heard some choice one liners. My all-time favorite, “I’ll do it later.” Do what later? Clean the bathrooms, vacuum, put your make-up on, or play video games?…

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