
  • Have You Requested a Formal Educational Evaluation for Your Student?


    If you are wanting a full educational evaluation for your child and think that he or she could benefit from school related services, the request should be in writing to the case manager or  school administrator.  These evaluations are due…

  • IEP Challenges? Remember These 3 Words


    “Least Restrictive Environment” When IEP challenges arise, some parents find themselves at a loss for words. Many are determined to get their student help, but can get tangled in administrative “roadblocks.”  Parents usually have a good idea what their kidlet…

  • Have You Planned an Informal “Meet the Teacher” Yet?


    The school year is approaching fast. The school staff has returned to work after a long summer’s nap. Be proactive  This is a good time to contact your student’s case manager or resource teacher and ask for an informal introductory…

  • Special Education and These 3 Words


    “It’s just business!” When working with your students’ administrative team at the school, keep in mind that there will be plenty to discuss and perhaps even more “red-tape.” Everyone in the team will certainly appreciate honesty in any conversation. Any…

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