obstacles for special ed teens

  • Baby Steps for Back to School


    Baby Step 1 Sleep! It supports great academic skills. While getting extra rest at night might seem obvious for some, it is imperative for the exceptional community because they must over-compensate just to keep up with their classmates. Physically their bones,…

  • Why It’s Important to Take the Emotion Out of Special Education


    Originally published December 14,  2014 Updated: July 11, 2024 Frequently, I hear from parents who want advice on how to handle their child’s teacher and/or the Individual Education Plan (IEP) meeting. Many want to know ideas and strategies to “win”…

  • Why Neurofibromatosis Is Still Not About the Tumors


    Today, May 17 is Neurofibromatosis Awareness Day. Not a day to celebrate, but a day to communicate. A day to declare the horrible, ugly symptoms of a disease that makes people prisoners in their own home. A disease that turns…

  • September 2024 Disability Awareness Information


    Please see the awareness opportunities for the special needs community throughout September 2024. Guidance and support are available on the websites below. Parents should contact their local offices for information on events and programs. Childhood Cancer Awareness Month Hydrocephalus Awareness…

  • 3 Ways to Prepare For the Foreign Language Requirement and College Admission


    1) Plan next year’s courses now Teenagers with special needs have a difficult time learning a second world language. Some teens with learning challenges may struggle with their own native language. Adding a second world language could set the student…

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