parental communication

  • Spon’t Be a Braggart


    “My kid is the star of the basketball team, gets “A’s” on everything, and has perfect friends.” Um…no, he’s not, and no he doesn’t. Other parents will see right through these claims and most likely will run the other way….

  • “Spon’t” Forget to Keep Good Records


    Not for your kid, but for yourself. Sometimes, we parents underestimate the number of forms, contracts, statements, or correspondence we get for a typical child let alone a child with a disability. Families will benefit from a neat and orderly…

  • How to Write a Journal Your Children Will Read


    I think it is safe to say that as parents we want the best for our children. We can’t always blame our children for something bad that happens and we can’t always take credit when things go well. Although, there…

  • A ‘Timely’ Trick to Manage Behavioral Challenges


    “No, I don’t want to get out of the pool.” “Stop, don’t turn the TV off”! “No, I don’t want to go to the store.” For parents of exceptional children, these verbal protests might seem familiar. These were actual screams…

  • A FERPA Secret Revealed


    The FERPA— or Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act gives parents the right to discuss and review basic educational documents for their student. When a child is younger, parents are able to discuss any educational records with their child’s teacher….

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