parental communication

  • When Teenage Lies Become a Parent’s Game


    Of course telling fibs are natural and kids are going to do it, but what recourse do parents have then? I have a pretty good idea when my kidlets’ wording sounds suspicious. I think most parents rely on that. But…

  • Teaching Children to Be Accountable is a Good Not Bad


    As I have said before about our kidlets, “We are not helping them if we are helping them.” I am not talking about giving $20 for a tank of gas, or making them breakfast on the way out the door….

  • 3 Reasons to Call Another Parent


    “Let me talk to ‘the’ mother first”        Even the most independent teenagers get excited qbout planning their social calendar, but they forget one thing, and that is, to clear the events with their parents first! 1) A…

  • Favorite Teen Expression…And the Winner Is…


    If you have a teen just “hanging out” this summer you may have heard some choice one liners. My all-time favorite, “I’ll do it later.” Do what later? Clean the bathrooms, vacuum, put your make-up on, or play video games?…

  • I hear you now, Mom.


    Today is the day my mother died, 33 years ago.  I would give anything for my mom to be here with me now.  Although, it wasn’t always like that. I wanted nothing to do with her and God knows, as…

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