
  • Public or Private School?


    Originally Published July 2018 Updated: August 2024 Parents are on the hunt; they’re adding “school choice” to this list of supplies for their child’s academic year. Application deadlines loom, and for many parents, school choice is an important decision—and it…

  • Why Teenagers Are Like a Bell in the Wind


    We never know what we are going to get. Sometimes, teenagers are quiet and motionless only to enjoy the sweet melodies of their youth. Then, at other times, they are singing the joys of their new-found independence. With all due…

  • One Thing to Remember When Helping Our Teenager’s


    “We are not helping them if we are helping them.”                                                             …

  • July 2024 Disability Awareness Information


    Please see the awareness opportunities for the special needs community throughout July 2024. Americans With Disability Act (ADA) Anniversary July 26  Juvenile Arthritis Awareness Month National Cleft and Craniofacial Awareness and Prevention Month National Fragile X Awareness Month National Fragile…

  • Sorry, Not Sorry – The Effects of Too Much Social Media


    Originally published August 2015 Updated: June 25, 2024 Our young ones are unable to go into an establishment and ask for help, directions, or to talk to the receptionist when entering a business. The thought of going in to a…

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