
  • Why Teens Privacy Does Not Really Equal Privacy


    Have you ever heard your kid scream or yell something like, “I just want my privacy!” or “Why can’t I just be left alone”? Me too! Quite honestly, I feel the same and wouldn’t have it any other way. Why…

  • Yet Another Reason to Hug Your Kid Right Now


    Last night, we received terrible news. A good friend of both my boys passed away unexpectedly just yesterday afternoon. This 19 year-old young man was such a big part of our lives. He was a great guy to have around….

  • A Mother’s Definition of the “Insanity” Defense


    Scientists, doctors, psychologists, and other mind-bending guru’s follow the same idea of what the definition of insanity is. If we look to the experts, they will do their best to come up with creative ways to intervene and support parents…

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