Raising Teenagers

  • When Teenage Lies Become a Parent’s Game


    Of course telling fibs are natural and kids are going to do it, but what recourse do parents have then? I have a pretty good idea when my kidlets’ wording sounds suspicious. I think most parents rely on that. But…

  • Teaching Children to Be Accountable is a Good Not Bad


    As I have said before about our kidlets, “We are not helping them if we are helping them.” I am not talking about giving $20 for a tank of gas, or making them breakfast on the way out the door….

  • When Parents Judge Other Parents


    Do you remember when you or someone you knew was pregnant for the first time and adamantly proclaimed, “When I am shopping at the grocery store, my kids are never going to cry”? Or how about this one… “My kids…

  • Why Teens Privacy Does Not Really Equal Privacy


    Have you ever heard your kid scream or yell something like, “I just want my privacy!” or “Why can’t I just be left alone”? Me too! Quite honestly, I feel the same and wouldn’t have it any other way. Why…

  • Yet Another Reason to Hug Your Kid Right Now


    Last night, we received terrible news. A good friend of both my boys passed away unexpectedly just yesterday afternoon. This 19 year-old young man was such a big part of our lives. He was a great guy to have around….

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