special needs

  • Teach the Teacher!


    Some educators, believe it or not, have no clue about what a student who “learns differently” requires. This isn’t always their fault. Common Core standards with state tests require so much attention that teachers may lose sight of the needy….

  • 5 Steps You Should Take Now for Later


    Helpful tips for parents of disabled children For the past twenty years, there have been many pediatricians, educators, and government administrators who have recommended I sign my kid up for disability services. “Get him into the system” they would say….

  • When Loving a Baby is Hard to Do


    I came across this baby snake on my walk yesterday. Not a fan of snakes, but not a fan of destroying a baby one either. Knowing this snake will grow into something only its mother could be proud of, this…

  • IEP Challenges? Remember These 3 Words


    “Least Restrictive Environment” When IEP challenges arise, some parents find themselves at a loss for words. Many are determined to get their student help, but can get tangled in administrative “roadblocks.”  Parents usually have a good idea what their kidlet…

  • Why Parent Support Groups Are Needed Even at The College Level


    Once our kidlets go off on their own, we sometimes feel lonely and in need of his or her presence. But many parents may feel less valued. All those IEP files we’ve accumulated must be worth something by now; but…

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