special needs

  • Have You Planned an Informal “Meet the Teacher” Yet?


    The school year is approaching fast. The school staff has returned to work after a long summer’s nap. Be proactive  This is a good time to contact your student’s case manager or resource teacher and ask for an informal introductory…

  • Why NF1 Is Not About the Tumors


    Over the past few days, I had the opportunity to read various Facebook and email comments about children being newly diagnosed with the dreaded Neurofibromatosis disease. I have also spoken with mothers who worry about the effects of this disease. This…

  • 5 Things to Ask On the College Tour


    Touring colleges with your special education student? If so, here are a few things to think about on the tour–even though there will be so much more to think about after. Remember to set up a quick appointment with a…

  • Special Education Is Different but It Doesn’t Have to Be


    Special education can be so complicated at times. Our students need support, but our students also need postive peer relationships. This can be challenging when our students feel like they might be a step away from their classmates. Parents who…

  • Absences and Missed Work For Special Education Teems


    You absolutely must help your student catch up if he or she should be absent from school. When a student is “sick” it is not a pass to skip the school work as well. The student is still responsible for…

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