special needs in college
The Differences Between Accommodations in High School and College
Advocacy is the key word for exceptional students transitioning to college. Students and parents will need to ask for any available accommodations in college. These supports are not automatically transferred like an IEP is transferred from school to school. Colleges…
Why Parent Support Groups Are Needed Even at The College Level
Once our kidlets go off on their own, we sometimes feel lonely and in need of his or her presence. But many parents may feel less valued. All those IEP files we’ve accumulated must be worth something by now; but…
3 Reasons Why It’s Not Time to Let Go of Your College Student
I know, I know…this post totally contradicts another post I wrote, “3 Reasons Why It’s Time to Let Go of Your College Student.” Please hear me out…with special education students, parents must live on both sides of the street. While…
3 Reasons Why It’s Time to Let Go of Your College Student
Teenagers with special needs don’t suddenly get better the moment they step foot on a college campus. Parents are still ready to pounce on anyone who even thinks about looking at their kidlet the wrong way. But after we cut…
For Special Education, Be Sure to Add “Red-Tape” to the Supply List
Whether your child is entering Kindergarten, moving to a new high school, starting college, or transitioning to a group home, be sure to build in enough time and consider the bureaucracies’ “red tape.” It is inevitable that during your students’…