support for parents of special education students

  • Baby Steps for Back to School


    Baby Step 1 Sleep! It supports great academic skills. While getting extra rest at night might seem obvious for some, it is imperative for the exceptional community because they must over-compensate just to keep up with their classmates. Physically their bones,…

  • Public or Private School?


    Originally Published July 2018 Updated: August 2024 Parents are on the hunt; they’re adding “school choice” to this list of supplies for their child’s academic year. Application deadlines loom, and for many parents, school choice is an important decision—and it…

  • August 2024 Disability Awareness Information


    Please see the awareness opportunities for the special needs community throughout August 2024.  Parents are urged to contact their local office for information on events and programs. Children’s Eye Health and Safety Month  Spinal Muscular Atrophy

  • October 2024 Disability Awareness Information


    Please see the awareness opportunities for the special needs community throughout October.  Parents should contact these  organizations directly for more information. ADHD Awareness Month Blindness Awareness Month Disability Employment Awareness Month Down Syndrome Awareness Month Dwarfism Awareness Month Rett Syndrome…

  • A ‘Timely’ Trick to Manage Behavioral Challenges


    “No, I don’t want to get out of the pool.” “Stop, don’t turn the TV off”! “No, I don’t want to go to the store.” For parents of exceptional children, these verbal protests might seem familiar. These were actual screams…

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