teach life skills

  • November 2024 Awareness Month


    Guidance and support is offered on the website below. Families should contact their local office for events and programs. National Epilepsy Awareness Month

  • “Spon’t” Forget to Check the Tech


    Has your child been propped up on a computer at school all day…then at home all night? We get it–there are lots of online learning tools at school, but at home we just want to relax. Keep in mind that…

  • “Spon’t” ever give up on your child


    They are who they are, and at some point, our children will develop into real life adults. Love and embrace the power and independence you taught them. They got this!

  • How to Write a Journal Your Children Will Read


    I think it is safe to say that as parents we want the best for our children. We can’t always blame our children for something bad that happens and we can’t always take credit when things go well. Although, there…

  • A FERPA Secret Revealed


    The FERPA— or Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act gives parents the right to discuss and review basic educational documents for their student. When a child is younger, parents are able to discuss any educational records with their child’s teacher….

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