Some educators, believe it or not, have no clue about what a student who “learns differently” requires. This isn’t always their fault. Common Core standards with state tests require so much attention that teachers may lose sight of the needy. Hence, special teachers are few and far between. Further, there just isn’t enough extra assistance in the resource classrooms, and especially when there are upwards of 30 students in a typical classroom anyway.
Parent’s Role
So, as angry as you want to get at the initial contact person, remember your role; to educate the teachers. But you need to do it in a way in which they don’t know what you are doing. For example; take an unusual approach and just be very cheerful, but act as if the teacher is the one making the decisions. When we all know this not to be true, but when the teacher feels appreciated and useful, he or she will most likely want to help you or your child.
Swallow Your Pride
This is not the time to show who has more power over your child’s education. No, this is about getting what you want. Cheerful persistence is all it takes.
Photo credit: Max Fischer – Pexel Free to use
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