You absolutely must help your student catch up if he or she should be absent from school. When a student is “sick” it is not a pass to skip the school work as well. The student is still responsible for any work that he or she missed while being absent from school. Days are built into this process so the student can complete the missed work as well as any new work successfully.
Having an IEP doesn’t mean exemption from projects and homework. Usually, there are modified assignments, but these are decided when the goals are written.
Most likely, however, explaining the situation to the teacher will be your best bet. Most teachers want their students to succeed and are usually willing to help if students show effort and take advantage of the opportunity to complete the missed assignments.
But the bigger picture here is this…don’t assume that your child, at any level, can handle it alone. Very few students who are sick from a long illness can catch up on their own. Help your kidlet find out exactly what he or she needs to complete the lesson and turn it in. It seems so simple, but with so many teachers and projects due, it can become overwhelming. Keep in mind, turning in an assignment late, is better than not turning it in at all.
Teach responsibility and acceptance. Most teacher’s want the student to communicate and attempt to complete the work.
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