Why Teenagers Are Like a Bell in the Wind

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We never know what we are going to get.

Sometimes, teenagers are quiet and motionless only to enjoy the sweet melodies of their youth. Then, at other times, they are singing the joys of their new-found independence.

With all due respect to our young adults, our teenagers really have no concept of reality. They truly are like a bell in the wind; taking one day at a time and flying free. It’s the “whatever happens will happen” kind of thing.

We can beat our heads up against the wall, but there is no connection unless our kidlet’s want to connect with us. They don’t hear us because they are too busy making their own noise; their plans for their future.

I forgot how wonderful it is for these folks who take one day at a time, and then, to have the opportunity to move about with no worries or responsibilities.  For our youngsters, this is such as exciting time. Only they know which way the wind will blow.

Like the distant sound of the “Soleri Bell”, our voices are faint; only the song in their dreams play. Parents’ words are just a hushed reminder to our young “bells”–that there is something else out there–just waiting in the wind.

Soleri Bells

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