Yet Another Reason to Hug Your Kid Right Now

Bizigal Avatar

cross 1Last night, we received terrible news. A good friend of both my boys passed away unexpectedly just yesterday afternoon.

This 19 year-old young man was such a big part of our lives. He was a great guy to have around. We enjoyed his visits. He supported the special needs community and looked after and protected them as if they were part of his own family.

We will miss his energy. There is such a void in our community today. So sudden and not necessary. This should not have happened and way too soon.

If you plan to do anything today, first stop what you are doing and go hug your kids.

Right now!

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Bizigal Avatar

8 responses to “Yet Another Reason to Hug Your Kid Right Now”

  1. aviets Avatar

    I’m so sorry for your loss. Our community went through the death of a beloved teen last fall. I know how very hard that is. -Amy

    1. bizigal Avatar

      Thank you for your comments. I appreciate it.

  2. Following My Joy Avatar

    So sorry for your loss. Prayers and hugs to the family, you, and your boys who must be grief stricken and in shock right now..Yes, hug those you love today, because tomorrow is guaranteed to no one.

    1. bizigal Avatar

      Thank you. I appreciate the comments.

  3. denisriley Avatar

    Hug your kids, hug your brothers & sisters and their spouses too. Hell, hug the bus driver & grocery store cashier…….. ok, that is a little too far. Maybe just a smile and a “Thank you” can convey your caring. Even when it is an old high school friend.
    Ever see this video?
    Great message and easy to do.

    1. bizigal Avatar

      Lol! I enjoyed the video. I had never seen it before but thanks for the “pick me up” on Sunday! Yes, time for a lifestyle
      change for me.
      Thanks for commenting!

  4. mammaspeaks Avatar

    Oh that’s so sad.. Let peace be with his parents. Also pray almighty give strength to your boys to accept the harsh truth. I am already hugging my child.

    1. bizigal Avatar

      Thank you, mamaspeaks! Yes, it is very sad. Such a wonderful young man taken so suddenly. We are in complete shock. I don’t think it has hit one of my boys yet. But thank you for your kind words. I appreciate the comments.

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